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Brooklyn Bound

  Table of Contents

  Legal Page

  Title Page

  Book Descripton


  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  New Excerpt

  About the Author

  Publisher Page

  A Totally Bound Publication

  Brooklyn Bound

  ISBN # 978-1-78430-343-3

  ©Copyright Jenna Byrnes 2014

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright December 2014

  Edited by Rebecca Douglas

  Totally Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound Publishing. Unauthorized or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2014 by Totally Bound Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN

  Totally Bound Publishing is a subsidiary of Totally Entwined Group Limited.


  This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a heat rating of Totally Burning and a Sexometer of 3.

  Rose & Thorn Society


  Jenna Byrnes

  Book three in the Rose & Thorn Society series

  Tucker and Gabe discover they’re soulmates. If only they can get Gabe’s wife Brooklyn to admit her own true desires.

  Tucker Gleason is a junior partner in the prestigious law firm of Dryer, Stokes and Associates. His career is going well—he’s on track to make full partner, having won more cases than any other lawyer in the firm. His love life is another matter. On his own for too long, he gets a much needed jolt when he meets one of the owners of the construction company hired to build the new law firm offices.

  Gabe Conner is a happily married man, until he meets Tucker and is reminded of the hot gay relationship he experienced in college. Thinking it was just youthful experimentation, he never mentioned it to his wife. But now that he’s met Tucker and the two men are so drawn to each other, he has no choice but to bring it up.

  Brooklyn Conner isn’t as shocked to learn her husband has gay tendencies as she is to find out he’s interested in one of her bosses. She’s a paralegal at Dryer and Stokes, and worries about losing not only her husband but also her job if things fall through with the sexy junior partner. She can’t resist their advances when they both join forces to seduce her, and quickly decides she doesn’t need to. Sex with two men is hot. Until Tucker’s true appetite is revealed, and Brook’s vanilla world is turned upside down.


  To my one and only.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Lincoln Navigator: Ford Motor Company

  Joe Boxers: Iconix Brand Group

  1969 Pontiac Le Mans: General Motors Company

  Pop-Tarts: Kellogg’s

  M&M’s: Mars, Inc.

  Gucci: Gucci Group, Kering

  Chapter One

  “Suck it!”

  Tucker Gleason snapped his head to the left upon hearing the command. The speaker was a handsome man with long, flowing black hair and the tightest abs he’d ever seen on someone who was obviously in his forties. And the longest cock. His mouth watered at the sight of the thick shaft with a bulbous purple head.

  Two naked men knelt in front of the well-hung Dominant, paying homage to the magnificent stud. Hands cuffed behind their backs, both subservients used mouths and tongues only, enthusiastically working together to give the man what appeared to be one hell of a blow job.

  The Master patted each of their heads. “That’s it. Good… So good.” He glanced up and spotted Tucker watching. A mixture of lust and pride shone in his eyes as he smiled. “Care to join us? We’ll always make room for one more.”

  Tucker waved and kept walking. “Another time, but thanks.” He passed three men who were vigorously chain-fucking on a burgundy-colored leather sofa, and passed a group of four male bodies, melded into such an odd position that he couldn’t tell what they were doing.

  The door on the far wall led into the bar and lounge area of the Rose & Thorn Society, one of the biggest BDSM social clubs in Southern California. Tucker and his former partner Mason had frequented the place in their heyday. Both of them had loved the bawdy, raucous activity. Mason would have taken the long-haired hunk up on his offer in a heartbeat, as long as Tucker had agreed. They’d been adventurous in those days, playing hard and loving well.

  Mason had been gone nearly a year, and Tucker hadn’t been back to the club in all that time. At first he hadn’t been interested, and after a while he just hadn’t thought he’d be able to face the people there. Eventually he’d settled into a celibate routine made easier by long hours at work and the occasional hand job in the shower.

  Recently, the old urges had returned and Tucker had realized that at thirty, he was too young to live like a monk. He’d updated his ‘clean bill of health’ certificate and had returned to the club, thinking that perhaps a night of not thinking would be just what he needed. But now when it came down to it, he wasn’t ready to hop in the sack with people he didn’t know. The scenarios in the gay-themed room had turned him on, but for some reason he just couldn’t dive back in. It was more difficult being there alone, he decided, but it wasn’t just that. He missed Mason. He missed being in a relationship, waking up with someone, going for coffee and muffins on Sunday or staying in bed all morning and going out for a late lunch.

  Being alone sucks.

  He didn’t stop for a drink at the bar, just left and climbed into his dark blue Lincoln Navigator, then headed home. Returning to his two bedroom condo didn’t cheer him up much, because as he walked through the spacious living room all he could see was Mason. Photos of the man and shots of them together, grouped in black and silver frames that matched the décor of the room his old lover had fashionably decorated. He’d thought about changing things up, but Mason had had the flair of the duo, and Tucker wouldn’t know where to begin. He had a diploma from the University of Southern California and a law degree from Stanford, but decorating was not his thing. The house looked nice and that was good enough for him, even if it did remind him on a daily basis of what he’d lost.

  Standing in front of the fridge, Tucker downed a bottle of cold water then went to plug his cell phone into the charger for the night. A small green light blinked at him, notifying him of a text message. He kept his phone on silent, hating it when people’s cells constantly chirped or buzzed. He’d check his messages in his own time, not when the phone told him to, much to the chagrin of his father, who was also his boss.

  He scrolled through a couple of screens and saw that the message was indeed from William Dryer, the man his mother had married when Tucker was two. The only father he’d ever known, and definitely mor
e of a dad than the man who wouldn’t give up legal rights so that Will could adopt him.

  Remember our meeting at eight a.m. tomorrow. Don’t be late.

  Tucker’s fingers flew over the keyboard of his smartphone.

  I’ll be there.

  Setting the phone down, he started for the bathroom where he could take a leisurely hot shower and release the pent-up energy he’d acquired at the Rose & Thorn. Partway down the hall he realized he was tired and not all that horny anymore. Sleep sounded better than sex.

  In his large bedroom, he kicked out of his jeans and fumbled for his cock just to make sure. A couple of pulls verified that he wasn’t all that interested. After stripping to his boxer briefs, he used the bathroom and brushed his teeth before tossing back the covers and falling into bed. Thoughts of Mason had bummed him out, destroying the burgeoning feelings of desire that had barely returned. Something had to change. He’d think about it tomorrow. For tonight, burrowing into his pillow and closing his eyes was all he could muster.

  * * * *

  Tucker’s office was in a twenty-story building about fifteen minutes from his condo. The law firm of Dryer, Stokes and Associates took up seven floors and was quickly outgrowing that space. His father and the other owner, Arnold Stokes, had recently purchased a plot of prime California land with the intentions of building a new office complex and renting out the first few stories as retail space.

  Today would be their first meeting with the architect and construction company who had won the bids for service. His father had spent long hours in the planning stages with the architect, and they were finally going to show the results to Arnie and the other six full partners. Tucker was sure some of the junior partners were bristling because he’d been invited to sit in and they hadn’t. They were blind if they didn’t know that he’d jump over most of them when the next round of promotions was announced. His father had as much as told him he’d be a shoo-in to the upper tier, provided that he worked hard and kept his nose clean. Nothing would be handed to him. He’d buckled down and done just that, and his win–loss ratio of cases was one of the highest in the firm.

  Taking the elevator up to the fifteenth floor, he exited then strolled past a bay of secretaries, pausing long enough to wish each of them good morning. Upon entering his office he placed his briefcase on his desk and it was promptly swooped off.

  “Good morning, Mr. Gleason.” His fiery, redheaded secretary Fiona moved the case to a side table and removed the items he’d need, placing them on his desk.

  He smirked. “Good morning, Fiona. What if I had something personal in there?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’ve picked up your dry cleaning and purchased your Joe Boxers when we had to go out of town unexpectedly. What am I going to find that’s personal?”

  Tucker threw her a steely gaze. “Handcuffs and a whip?”

  “Ha!” She closed the case and faced him. “Then I’d say ‘more power to you’. It’s been too long, if you ask me. At least five of the new girls have questioned whether you’re available. I have to lie to them and say no, because if anyone’s going to ‘out’ you, it won’t be me.”

  He laughed. “You can’t ‘out’ me because I’m not in the closet. I never have been.”

  “I know, I know. I’m also aware Mr. Stokes has a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ mentality. He doesn’t care if someone is gay, he just doesn’t want to hear about it.”

  “My father doesn’t care, and if I want to talk about anything, he’ll listen.”

  She crossed her arms. “If only all gay sons had it so good. I’m sure you remember you have an eight o’clock with Mr. Dryer and Mr. Stokes, and a ten o’clock with Mark O’Leary to prep him for his deposition.”

  He stepped into the small bathroom attached to his office and glanced in the mirror, straightening his red striped tie. “What’s my afternoon look like?”

  “Two o’clock with Mrs. Dunham who will only speak with you about revising her will. Three o’clock with the Bates Barbecue brothers on their trademark infringement case. Then at four you have a conference call with Peter Marks and his agent, to discuss the publishing offer he got for his book.”

  Tucker stuck his head out of the bathroom and blinked at her. “That it?”

  “You want more?”

  He leaned back in and made sure his short brown hair was spiked in just the right places, sticking up enough to look hip but not disheveled. Satisfied, he adjusted his belt and buttoned his black suit jacket before returning to his desk.

  “I can add a few more things on if you like,” she teased.

  “Go make coffee or something,” he gave it to her right back.

  She handed him the black zippered binder he carried to meetings and his favorite pen. “Speaking of which, don’t take your own coffee into the meeting. Mr. Dryer had Martha set up a whole spread in there for the guests.”

  Tucker accepted his things and smiled. “He’s quite the host.”

  She nodded. “I should say.”

  He patted his pocket for his phone. “Keep your cell handy. If I need something during the meeting I’ll text you.”

  “Yeah, because you wouldn’t want to have to pick up the dang office phone and call me or anything.”

  Tucker glanced over his shoulder as he walked away. “Like you’d be at your desk. You’ll be buzzing around the water cooler as soon as I hit the elevator button.”

  “Ooh, he really does have eyes in the back of his head.”

  Grinning, he made his way up to the seventeenth floor conference room, where people had already started to gather.

  His father handed a stack of paperwork to his secretary, Martha, an efficient if matronly-looking woman. “Tuck, good, you’re here.”

  Tucker made a nervous face at Martha as she passed him and he whispered, “Like anyone thought I wouldn’t be?”

  She shrugged but didn’t comment as she walked out.

  “Morning, Dad. You seem awfully nervous about this. You have concerns about the architect and his plans?”

  His father smoothed back his dark blond hair. “No concerns as such, but I’ve seen the plans and no one else has. Just hoping they meet with everyone’s approval.”

  He caught his father’s gaze. “Are you happy with them?”

  Will exhaled and smiled. “Yes, I am.”

  “Then everyone else will be, too. They trust your judgment.”

  His father leaned in and muttered, “Wilson is sure to voice a complaint or two.”

  Tucker waved a hand. “Wilson is a moron. He can suck your dick.”

  Will’s eyes sparkled. “I’d expect your mother would rather he sucked your dick, and left mine alone, thank you.”

  He smirked at his dad. “You really want to get into a dick sucking discussion with Mom? We might all learn more than any of us wants to know.”

  Ned Wilson and Arnie Stokes joined them. “Morning, gents,” Stokes said.

  Will exchanged humorous glances with Tucker. “We’ll let that go for now, shall we?”

  “Oh, you bet.” Still grinning, Tucker took his place at the table, a few seats down from the owners. The other five partners, four women and one man, took their seats while Martha brought in the guests.

  Three men in dark suits, but that was the end of their similarities. The first, with closely cropped brown hair, carried a rolled paper tube and a tablet computer. Obviously the architect, he seemed at ease in the office surroundings. Something niggled familiarity about the man, but Tucker couldn’t put his finger on it.

  The second man’s suit didn’t fit quite as well. Tucker guessed he didn’t wear it often. His curly blond hair and dark tan belied an office job.

  The last man was the most intriguing. His wavy dark hair was smoothed back, but Tucker thought it might be long enough for a ponytail. He was also tanned, and looked to be in very good shape. The construction guys. Habit caused him to check out their left hands. Neither of the construction crew wore rings, but the first man had a b
and on his left hand ring finger.

  Will rose and made introductions. “Gentlemen and ladies, this is Seth Carter, the architect we commissioned for our project. And these gentlemen are Evan Martin and Gabe Conner from Martin–Conner Construction, the team with the winning bid on the job.” He made introductions all around.

  Tucker watched the men’s expressions as names flew fast and furious. When his father introduced him he couldn’t help adding, “Don’t worry, there won’t be a quiz.”

  The architect’s eyes twinkled. “Bring it on, Mr. Gleason. We might surprise you.”

  Tucker caught his breath, suddenly remembering where he’d seen the architect before. At the Rose & Thorn Society! If he recalled correctly, the man had a handsome black husband and a pretty, brown-haired woman who often accompanied them. He smiled. “I like surprises.”

  Introductions complete, they sat while Seth fired up his computer and projected it onto the large screen on the wall. Martha and another secretary served drinks and pastries to all who wanted them before the lights dimmed.

  Evan Martin rolled the blueprints out on the table as Seth went through his presentation, complete with a visualization of what the building would look like when complete. It was stunning, and from the murmured comments, Tucker knew that no one had any complaints.

  His thoughts drifted back to Seth Carter at the Rose & Thorn. Had they ever participated in joint sexual activities? He couldn’t recall anything specific, and was sure he’d remember a specimen as fine as Seth.

  Tucker glanced at the other two men. Evan seemed nice enough, but visibly uncomfortable in the lavish office surroundings. Gabe, on the other hand, didn’t appear out of place. He was quiet, seemed thoughtful, and generally kept his gaze to himself.